the world, to other people and to the dead that lived before us:
[...] jag skrev om mig själv och
fann i henne
min like,
och jag skrev om de levande men
fann där,
till min förvåning,
alla de döda som någonsin levat [...]
själ på själ på själ på
själ [...] (s.155f)
[[...] I wrote about myself and
found in her
my equal,
and I wrote about the living but
found there,
to my surprise,
all the dead that ever lived [...]
soul upon soul upon soul upon
soul [...]]
Deliria ends by depicting a night in an evil time, but also by saying that there might exist a way out for people who have strength enough to really see the world, which means seeing also the terrible sides of it: "Den väg man talade om kan vara svår att finna [...] men visar sig nog ändå, till slut,/för den som orkar se." ["The way of which one spoke can be hard to find [...] but will probably show itself anyway, in the end, for the one who has strength enough to see."]
Mattias Fyhr