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Mare Kandre


1. Kandre, Mare (1992). Deliria. Bonniers, Stockholm.
2. Hume, Robert D. (1969). "Gothic Versus Romantic: A Revaluation of the Gothic Novel". In Publications of the Modern Language Association of America, volume 84, nr 2, 1969. Punter, David (1996). The Literature of Terror, volume 1: The Gothic Tradition and volume 2: The Modern Gothic. Longman, London and New York. Sedgwick, Eve Kosofsky (1986. First publ. in 1980). The Coherence of Gothic Conventions. Methuen, New York and London.
3. The Swedish writers I study are Alexander Ahndoril, Magnus Dahlström, Inger Edelfeldt, Per Hagman, Mare Kandre, Carina Rydberg and Nikanor Teratologen (pseudonym for Niclas Lundkvist).
4. This defintion is slightly changed from the one in Fyhr, Mattias (1998). Begreppet gotik och gotiska inslag i ung svensk prosa. Litteraturvetenskapliga institutionen, Stockholms universitet.
5. Hagman, Per (1996, printed privately). Match. Sweden, s.13, s.11.
6. Gibson, William (1986. First publ. in 1984). Neuromancer. Grafton, London, s.9. I owe this view of the beginning of this novel as being postmodern to Giblett, Rod (1996). Postmodern Wetlands. Culture, History, Ecology. Edinburgh University Press, Great Britain.



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